
Chat is this the year Bloodline finally comes out


So uh…
          I deleted Bloodline, BUT for good reasons.
          I still believe that the story is good enough to be published, but it is my first ever book, and I was very inexperienced with writing when I started the book 2 years ago.
          I took a big break and found the quirks that kept me from progressing with the story, all the stuff that demotivated me with continuing.
          I tried EVERYTHING I could to keep it interesting, but I always ended up overwhelmed… Soooo… 
          I decided to rewrite it! That means, if there are any of you who enjoyed my book and are sad it’s gone, it won’t be anymore! I will just change it up a bit so it will be easier to write for me.
          Bloodline will be back! hurray! or not, I don't know, I just feel like starting with a clear sheet could really help me with the writing block.
          Alright, enough talking lol, I said my point. 
          Love you all, and I hope you will enjoy the new and improved Bloodline even more!
          Yours truly, Sage <33


Ahhhh I’m so glad!!!! I miss this story!!!


          I’m not dead, I swear lol.
          I found some strength to try and fix this story up after my long break!
          I will edit the chapters bit by bit, maybe add some as well. I will let you guys know once I’m done, but I suggest you start from the beginning so no details slip away!
          Thank you and I will see you soon!
          Sage xx


Hello creatures.
          I’m afraid I might stop with my book. With all honesty, I hate it so much lately. I struggle with making the chapters interesting and it demotivates me so much. It’s my first ever book and I chose a story I love too much for it.  We are only about 15% in and I already don’t like it. 
          If I have fellow writers here, I would appreciate some tips, because until then, Bloodline is on hold.
          Thank you so much for reading.
          With love, Sage.


@queenismyreligion1 thank you darling! I will pop you a dm then <3


If i had any advice it WOULD be to put it on hold!! I have done it with my other book, unfortunately it happens !! And the time away will hopefully spark some more creativity. My dms are open if you need any tips on writers block because I know the feeling all good well haha  <3  


Hello fellas, I changed the cover of bloodline since we now know who is Mal shipped with ;)
          (Truth to be told, I wasn’t sure when I started writing this book lmao)


Oh my GOD that’s amazing I’m so in love with your art 