
Gah you guys!!!! I'm really excited to say that as of right now, the only book that will for sure be staying is my Collection Of My Thoughts. I really enjoy writing it and I can't get myself to even think about deleting it. Other books will probably be introduced and/or deleted, but the poetry book will be staying.


@buckeyebarnes I remember you from a long time ago, as of recently, I hope life is treating you well


Gah you guys!!!! I'm really excited to say that as of right now, the only book that will for sure be staying is my Collection Of My Thoughts. I really enjoy writing it and I can't get myself to even think about deleting it. Other books will probably be introduced and/or deleted, but the poetry book will be staying.


@buckeyebarnes I remember you from a long time ago, as of recently, I hope life is treating you well


Hey guys, I've been in a bad mood for the past while. Sorry that it isn't clearing up. It's not very easy to help it in my current situation. I would really appreciate it if you all just try to support me and help me through this. I'm just feeling down and not myself lately. There's things happening in my life and because of my parents, I can't really talk to the people who help me get through things. If any of you want to talk or anything I'm totally up for it. I really need someone who is willing to talk to me and listen to me rant or anything. Thank you all!
          I'll try to get into a good mood soon, but I don't know how soon it will work.


So, a bunch of my old stories have been removed, and I have new ones coming. First, if I start removing any new books they have not been deleted, I have unpublished them because I am currently not writing them, the chapter will be republished, when I have more.
          Second, I am going to start trying a new type of writing, where I type each and every chapter before and then when the story has been completed I will publish it. Not every story will be like that. A new story called Island will not be that style but, the other books I have are.
          Thanks for reading this.