
Hey guys! There will not be a chapter tonight, my phone is at like 12 percent and the charger isn't working, I'm so sorry!


hey guys I'm terribly sorry I haven't been writing every day I suck I know. Tonight I'm gonna try to wrote a long one idk how long but I'll try not to make it so short. I can't believe I have over four hundred views that's unbelievable I couldn't do it without you guys so I want to thank y'all so much for that! I love you and talk to you soon 


hey to anyone who has ever read my stories I'm currently writing two on alternating days today was supposed to be the remadora one but my WiFi was out last night so I couldn't do my Remus one. Today is Remus tomorrow is Remadora. Hope that's fine. Much love to you all


Sorry  I didn't post last night guys I fell asleep like at least three hours before I normally do I'll try to post two tonight 


@lostinsadwords Hahaha i usually fall asleep around eleven but i went to sleep at seven


@ucancallmemoony it's ok, I do that too sometimes))))