Hi! I'm not sure how often you're on here or if you'll even see this, but I love your one-shots book. I read all the Flynn's Arcade parts (They're so cute :3) and then saw it hasn't been updated, then I was relieved it was updated two weeks ago and not two years ago lol then I came straight here to write this message ahaha. Anyway, sorry, I just wanted to know if you were updating (I know writer's block is tHe wOrsT lol) and if you need any ideas I could help. I'm currently writing my own Bucky x reader rn (don't know if anyone would also like t read it by any chance lol) so I have a bunch of ideas rattling around in my brain rn that might not be used lol

Hi! First of all thank you for your support! I love knowing people still enjoy my work even though I’m not even a writer to the full extent of the word. As for writer’s block and updated I don’t get on the app nearly as much as I used to back in high school (which is when I started my one shots) so that’s why I hadn’t updated in years. I got a sudden inspiration a while ago that resulted in my latest update. I think I’ll keep updating as long as ideas come to me but they have become extremely sporadic since I came and went through college lol