
Happy holidays! ✨✨
          	Love this season, and the weathegis lovely too! All I wanna do these days is snooze lol.
          	In other news, I've been ideating and writing TGWST, and it's surprising and nice to find out how easy it is to come back to this story. I'm also rereading some parts and omg there are things that need editing! It's really really weird to read my own writing from so long ago. The comments still crack me up tho XD
          	I'll most likely bring my AO3 fic here too, tho it is a niché fandom so I'm not sure how many people will actually be interested. I'm thinking of adding a few chapters in the beginning and editing a little so thr it can be read as an original story.
          	Hope you're all doing well ♥️
          	- April 


@GoldenSwiftie haha will have to do both! Happy Holidays to you too, you lovely hooman! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪♥️


@bugsies Happy Holidays April! It's so good to hear from you! Hope you're having a greeeeaaat holiday with maggie (noodles or writing about our maggie heheh) ╰(*°▽°*)╯


Hello there!
          Hope you've been doing well. I think somewhere in your stories I already commented how much I loved your fanfiction and to be really honest, I've been opening wattpad ever since you mentioned you were going to continue with the third part of 'The Girl who saw Tomorrow" in 2025, and , well, being quite disappointed when I saw no posts.  I also have been having my exams (and a lot of other stuff so I can't really afford to be distracted right now) but nevertheless I would be very happy if you decided to post the next part of the fanfiction sometime soon.
          So I would like to say that I understand if you are busy but I would really like it if you could update your story as soon as it is possible for you.


Hi! Hope you're doing well! 
          I just realized it's been a long time since I've been on wattpad (been on Ao3 and Tumblr mainly) and read your story.  I just wanted to say hi. 
          I saw you were rewriting your story, so maybe I'll get back into reading it soon. I haven't been super hyperfixated on Harry Potter in what feels like forever, so maybe your story will help motivate me with that. It would have to be added to the other ten fandoms I've been obsessed with lately lol.
          Have a good day/night :)


@ArtGeek0 Heyy! So happy to see you again, thanks ir dropping by ♥️
            I'm going to continue the story where I left off on Book 3, it's going to be much different than the actual Deathly Hallows plot because I totally get what you mean by not being so hyperfixated on HP anymore. It's been the same for me, unfortunately, and that has made it difficult to focus on writing. But since it's holiday season and it's pretty much mandatory to re-watch and re-read the series, I'm getting back into it slowly!
            Also, I'm on AO3 as aprilrayne and Tumblr as lovenonymously if you wanna chat or check out other fandoms I'm into! These days I mostly watch Asian dramas haha so that's mostly what you'll find XD but if you have any recs, feel free to share! ✨
            Again, thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a wonderful day or night as well! ♥️♥️♥️
            - April


Happy holidays! ✨✨
          Love this season, and the weathegis lovely too! All I wanna do these days is snooze lol.
          In other news, I've been ideating and writing TGWST, and it's surprising and nice to find out how easy it is to come back to this story. I'm also rereading some parts and omg there are things that need editing! It's really really weird to read my own writing from so long ago. The comments still crack me up tho XD
          I'll most likely bring my AO3 fic here too, tho it is a niché fandom so I'm not sure how many people will actually be interested. I'm thinking of adding a few chapters in the beginning and editing a little so thr it can be read as an original story.
          Hope you're all doing well ♥️
          - April 


@GoldenSwiftie haha will have to do both! Happy Holidays to you too, you lovely hooman! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪♥️


@bugsies Happy Holidays April! It's so good to hear from you! Hope you're having a greeeeaaat holiday with maggie (noodles or writing about our maggie heheh) ╰(*°▽°*)╯


Heyy all!
          April here, hope you're doing well! ♥️ I just wanted to come on here to give a little update because I haven't been heard from in quite a while.
          As you might have already guessed, The Girl Who Saw Tomorrow Book 3 is on hold right now. I've decided to go on a hiatus until the end of 2024 and be back in the new year with newer updates.
          I've been writing this series since late September 2019, which was five years ago. For five years, I had only thought and worked on this one story and I fully intend to finish it. However, I don't want to publish chapters I'm not truly happy with.
          Hence, I will take some time off of writing The Girl Who Saw Tomorrow for some time and be back with fresh ideas and new updates starting January 2025.
          To all those who have been supportive throughout the years and have stuck with this story and Margaret, know that I'm so so thankful for you! ♥️✨ You have changed my life for the better.
          In the meantime, I'll still be writing! I'm on AO3 as aprilrayne and Tumblr as lovenonymously, so feel free to come say hi!
          Lots of love and fresh cooooookkiiiiieeesss,
          April Rayne ♥️


@bugsies Take all the time you need. I have enjoyed your story very very much so far, so I will wait till you can write more. Till then, I suppose I can re-read the previous books to refresh my memory. 
            In any case, I will be waiting for your updates as soon as New Year comes !


@bugsies take all the rest you need, you of all writers deserve that. But, before you guys forget, in only a few days, the siblings will celebrate their birthdayyyyy, me as well since I have the same birthday as them. Anyways, Happy Halloween  


@bugsies Of course! :) Take your time as much as you want, we'll be waiting for you April... Take your time and come back with new possibilities and all! Love youuu ❤


Authorrrr!!!!! Did you hear???????? Miss Maggie Smith died this morning! Professor  McGonagall! I'm just devastated. I just saw it in tiktok. I don't know what to feeelllll. 


Ooohh that's great, I really want Tom Felton to play Lucius Malfoy, that's exciting! And Bellatrix, it wouldn't be the same if it's not Helena


@chloe0031 imagine Tom Felton playing Lucius Malfoy. or Dan Radcliffe as James Potter. maybe Bonnie Wright as Lily Potter! even from the older cast members, like Helena Bonham Carter could definitely still play Bellatrix, she looks the exact same. it's pretty exciting!


@chloe0031 true...tho I'm kind of looking forward to the series. rumour has it Gary Oldman might play Dumbledore, he's my favourite! it'll be really fun if some of the cast members made a return 