TW:suicidal thoughts self hatred self transphobia
I hate being trans my mom keeps getting mad at me why couldn't I be born a boy why did I even have to be born
I wish I could be just fucking dead
Happy 50th birthday to keep! This may seem weird and unimportant but the keep building is the first time I felt confident enough to go into the men's room :)
im gonna be taking a bit of a break my mental halth has been horrible and on top of everything else i can deal with the internet
-signing off for now oliver/ghost/caffienated_catboy
Opps forgot to announce the last thing uh please read if you want to the summary is basically just abortion should be available and legal have a good day
I would just like to say that although I am not usually political after what happed to I would just pike to say I do agree with what happened and I honestly scares me abortion should absolutely be available and legal for everyone luckily I do live in a state where it still Is I am genuinely quite scared that same sex marriage was brought up please everyone stay safe
<3 ghost/Oliver/caffeinated_catboy