July 6
That was the last time I made an update to anything, it's now July 30th, some problems have gotten worse and some have gotten better
One, me and my friends don't pull all nighters together anymore, that's not really a bad thing but I miss it tbh
Two, I've dated someone a few times, we've broken up a few times. And I still like them, they're so nice to me and idk what I would do without them..that's the problem, we live way to far apart and I think he khs, I'm very worried about him and I've tried to see if he's ok but he won't answer my texts so I'm even more worried..
Three, tiktok. I'm doing better than before and I'm very proud on how far I've made it.
Four, roscripts. If you don't know, roscripts or Adrianlmaooo, is quackity's brother. I've watched his YouTube videos since I was Young. A few days ago ppl came out of him being a gr00mer. He was in his 20s and in a relationship with a 12-13-14 girl. He was a creep near Young girls in his Discord server, he even said " I wanna have your baby" to a 13 year old. This is not ok, and is never ok. I've seen ppl try and blame quackity, Alex didn't do anything nor did he know it was happening until now. He does know that if he streams, ppl are gonna talk about it and he doesn't want that. I do not support roscripts anymore after hearing about this and I just feel bad for quackity. Knowing his older brother did this and put the blame on him is just terrible.