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Hello everyone !! It has been awhile since the last time I post something like this. I know it's pretty sudden but it is really important—to me at least.
First of all, how are you guys doing? I feel like I'm too detached to the people who bother themselves to follow me—an ultimate trash writer lol— and I would like to thank all of you who have supported me and my trashy writing. Also thank you so much to everyone who can bear the agonizing long update.
Second of all, I would like to tell you all that I will be on (semi) hiatus from now because I need to prepare myself for the upcoming National Exam and SBMPTN—Indonesian's version of SAT— which will be held on April 9th and May 8th. Those tests will definitely decide my future. Therefore, I will have to apologize for not updating any of my works until the result of both tests come out which I will probably have to wait until June and all the plans I had made for publishing a new chapter for Slowly and Friday Night will be put on hold. But I'll try to publish it if it's possible.
The last but not the least, I will start updating Drunken Kisses—the rewritten version of Heath's Direction and the new title of The Jock—sometimes this February. Also, I will publish a new short story titled Unpopular sometimes this February. Both aforementioned stories can be found on my second account @fraternizing. It will mean so much if you all can give it some feedbacks.
Thank you so much once again
p.s. I will still read some stories but will not as frequently. I hope you're not gonna unfollow me whilst I'm on hiatus lol
p.s.s. the reason I decide to publish a new story and a new chapter of Drunken Kisses, it's because the chapter are relatively short. And the chapter of Unpopular will be written on my phone.
p.s.s.s. you probably wonder why the hell fucking daniel wrote this long ass notice when nobody cares. truthfully i don't even know my self lmfao