
este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
okay im sorry but if you think using excessive amounts of dots in the most wrong places is a "writing style" please delete every writing platform you have and throw your laptop and/or wherever you write your "writings" out of the window. 
          	just wanted to announce this because i'm a shit human being and i'm on wattpad just because, and ironically.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
okay im sorry but if you think using excessive amounts of dots in the most wrong places is a "writing style" please delete every writing platform you have and throw your laptop and/or wherever you write your "writings" out of the window. 
          just wanted to announce this because i'm a shit human being and i'm on wattpad just because, and ironically.


gee on your profile pic is so cute xdd


He’s always cool lmao


Apparently some people like reading me getting beaten up- 


Wh- i’m grammatically confuzzled-