just want to drop by to say that i really cannot forget Dear Brother, years have passed yet i still remember every scene written. that one was truly masterpiece. hope ure doing good and never stop writing. love from your old loyal reader
@tandelier awwwhhh this brings me back tho, good ol days thank you for still remembering my foremost treasure those beautiful days, with you guys, am cherishing it forever thank you for still being here
@DaCookeh ahahah been well, thank goodness. Hoping the same for u yknow with the covid thingy, it's hard ngl I'm surprised I still got few thousands of followers considering I'm being away for too long lmao
Author nim be alert from @Mrskimjeona she is also an author and one of your follower. But this girl is insane. She loves to report the works of other authors. She did this with me too. I lost my old account without any reason. She is bully be alert from her.
@Vba143 Hi, is this for real? I'm sorry, been away from WP as long as I can remember. Anyway, feel free to PM me so we can exchange some feedbacks regarding this matter if it still bothers u