
Three chaps published in my new book 'Somerset' if you wanna give it a read maybe?? Also looking for a new title for it if you have any suggestions???


I've been getting really bored of my book "Girl Causing Chaos" lately and I'm gonna leave it for a while and work on a new story, it's pretty similar but not completely so if you could give it a read when I publish that would great! It should be posted some time this week, look out for it!


Okay, so I FINALLY finished that last chapter in 'Girl Around The World.' Sorry it's not that great, but I think I'll feel like writing more now that it's done. Hopefully I'll update again tomorrow but no promises I'm afraid, also, I'm thinking about changing the name of 'Girl Around The World.' As it would have fit with my original plot but it doesn't really work with what I've been writing, so any suggestions?? (Preferably starting with 'Girl') okay, well that's all, so bye! Love you all, continue reading and voting and promote my book and you'll be my fave person ever!