I'm genuinely so fed up with those damn saesangs and obsessed stans, like i'm actually happy to know that two different gender idols from different groups and companies are hanging out, normally, i don't care if they are dating or not, it's none of my business and it shouldn't be anyone's business, kfans are obsessed with both grps, like these two idols trapped in this dating rumor have almost the most obsessed fans ever, as a myengene i'm praying for them to overcome this and hopefully not face any stupid hate, same for jay's situation, whether it's his mom, girlfriend or cousin, it's none of our business, we stan the idol, we are fans, he has his own personal life, and so do we, no one is permitted to expose anyone's personal life, i hope HYBE and SM don't let them go through hell or ignore the evident hate and harmful words they are getting.