
I don't know how many times my heart has been ripped out and ran through a shredder.... And when ever I feel like I almost have it back together... I can always count on someone to come in and shred it again.... You would think by now I would have learned 


I don't know how many times my heart has been ripped out and ran through a shredder.... And when ever I feel like I almost have it back together... I can always count on someone to come in and shred it again.... You would think by now I would have learned 


          So I just created a discord channel for this page. If you would like to join, the link will be below,
          If you do not know what discord is, basically it is a app/website where you can text and voice chat. 
          If you join, I will give you a role which allows you to do different things.
          Soon I will be adding a Bot to the channel so we can queue music and it will play in a voice channel.
          In case you were wondering, it is completely free
          If you create an account for discord and your username is not the same as it is on Wattpad, either DM me on here telling me your discord name or DM me on discord with your Wattpad username so I can give you the correct role and I can know who you are!!
          Here is the link if you want to join!!


So YouTube rewind 2016 just dropped.... What's your opinion on it?? Honestly, I do not like it..... I was expecting a lot more, but then again YouTube has been acting stupid this year.... I think my favorite rewind has to be either 2014 or 2015, but 2012 ain't bad.....  I will probably end up posting a chapter in my ranting book about it.... So yeah,