Hello guys I know that I don't have much followers (Never mind) But anyone see this I was just wondering if you knew the writer who did I see you (jack frost X reader cupid) and did several other stories like I'm still here ( Jim Hawkins X reader ) The important thing is that suddenly I can't find these stories and I tried to search for them on Google and one of my friends searched for one of her stories also they didn't find it They all suddenly disappeared :(((???!!! The strange thing is that in the morning I received one of the notifications in one of her stories (|T WAS STILL THERE AND I CAN OPEN IT LITERALLY IN THE MORNING) , the jack frost one. Someone was responding to one of my comments , Suddenly I found that there were a lot of people reading the story , including one who commented only yesterday. That girl, her stories were among the firs stories when I started reading fanfiction , and it's really one of my favorite!! , And whenever I go back and read it I'm really upset because it suddenly disappeared !?? I hope it's a technical error or something like that :((( The question is Does anyone know what happened to her, is she okay? And if she deleted her stories or her account why she did this?? is she taking a break or something? :((( I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS HAPPENING (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) Please reply me because I am really upset about it and very worried about her ಥ╭╮ಥ Sorry for the long wait and hope you are well :")

@ bunbun_321 hi there if you're talking about artsy her account was deleted and now she opened a new one with the same user name

@MiraaChan7 كنت وقتها سألت بنوتة أجنبية بتعمل قصص وقريتها قبل كدة واتضح أن الوابتاد كان مسح الاكونت بتاعها بلا هدف حرفيا ف الحمدالله راحت ادتني اليوزر الجديد بتاعها ودلوقتي هي بتنزل القصص القديمة من تاني ‼️

@ bunbun_321 معلش ي قلبي مقدرش اساعدك جربي اسألي و شوفي الجروبات الاجنبية للواتباد مثلا ؟