
          Welcome to Wattpad!!
          Believe me you'll absolutely love it!!
          I know you get this every day but could you please read my stories??
          One of them only has three chapters and the other one has one.
          It won't take that long and I'd really appreciate it if you did read it.
          But if you can't, it's no big probie!!
          Thanks for reading my lengthy paragraph!! (If you even did that is!!) :P:P


Could you please read my first book called Conjured? It's a supernatural fantasy about a thirteen year old boy named Chuck. He is going to find out that he's a very rare and gifted person with the ability to conjure up just about anything the heart can dream or imagine. He will have to risk everything to save our world and his hidden, magical world called Astrum. Also resting on his shoulders is the dire need to rekindle the magic that was completely destroyed everywhere nearly thirteen years ago. Join Chuck in an adventure of a lifetime along with his best friend Alex and his newfound magical companion, a Gremble named Chaos. Ultimate magic awaits you inside the spectacular world of Conjured! 
          Please read Conjured today. The first three chapters are now available on Wattpad! Please vote and comment.


          I know these ge­t annoying after a while, but ­itd really mean a lot to me if­ you checked out my story? May­be comment and fan? 
          I promise it's not horrible. 
          And id so be wi­lling to return the favour. 
          Kay, well thanx. bye <3 xx


Heyy!! Welcome to the wacky world of wattpad! I knw these can be really annoying, but if u have time, can u please check out my storie's or just one ^^
          I jst started a new story called 'Guardian Angel + Me = NOT good' and i wuld really appreciate some constructive critism.
          Or ..
          You could read the one that most of my fans like 'Diary Of A Teenage Punching Bag' .. Its about a girl who gets abused and treated bad at home and stuff .. 
          You don't have to if you dnt want, but i wuld really appreciate it! :)
          Thnx in advance!