
tis currently 2.44am and uh-
          	at 1.32am i saw we reached 100 reads on this book :)
          	and now, an hour later, we're at 120 reads and just-
          	ik it isnt much, especially if you compare it with books and stories with millions of reads, but tis still smth to me and i'm honestly overjoyed- :D
          	hopefully you'll continue to join the Hell Raiders (and mAybe new characters in the future? idk yet, maybe sm fanfics tho :3) on their adventures :^)
          	- vana <3


tis currently 2.44am and uh-
          at 1.32am i saw we reached 100 reads on this book :)
          and now, an hour later, we're at 120 reads and just-
          ik it isnt much, especially if you compare it with books and stories with millions of reads, but tis still smth to me and i'm honestly overjoyed- :D
          hopefully you'll continue to join the Hell Raiders (and mAybe new characters in the future? idk yet, maybe sm fanfics tho :3) on their adventures :^)
          - vana <3


hi! so uh- i forgot tht this thing existed lmao- anyway, for new readers, pls read "the hell raiders" first and just leave "ffs leave me alone" for now. "ffs l.m.a" is not smth im really proud of and my writing has improved a lot since August, 2019. 
          i update "the hell raiders"" almost daily and that book consists of short stories (can be as little as abt 600 words up to 3000+ so-).
          anyway, i hope you do enjoy these stories as much as i love writing abt the characters! 
          au revoir,
          - vana <3