
My lovlies!!
          	I am alive and well!! Thank you for all the comments. I know I haven’t been updating recently when I promised I would. However, I have been actively editing SOLEIL one by one (grammatical errors, spellings, punctuation, etc.) EKLEIPSIS however, I’m not very satisfied with, so I will be fixing that thoroughly soon. 
          	I am on vacation and I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been having the worst writers block. So I’ll be taking a break from writing for a while. I want my writing to be 100% always and I’m not gonna put out something half-assed just for the sake of posting. 
          	Hope you guys understand!! See you lovelies soon!


i binged soleil and ekleipsis so hard - love your writing and love percy and aurora!! take care of yourself and just know you have dedicated readers here for you whenever you’re ready :)


@bunnyboo_luna Hope you have a good vaction 


Hi!! Hope you're doing well! Just wanted to ask, r u OK?? It's been months since we last had an update from you, and ik ur taking a break abs have a writers block, but truly and srsly getting worried abt u. Update us on how you're doing??


Hello author, just wanted to ask how you're doing hehe, i hope you're doing fine. I just wanna ask when are you going to update Ekleipsis? No pressure tho, just curious cuz the first percy jackson book was perfection, chef's kiss i say


Heyy! Hope you're doing well. I was wondering when we're going to get an update for ekleipsis. No pressure or anything, take you're time ofc, just wondering since it's been 3 months I think .  Hope you're doing well tho :)))