
currently writing .. <3


happy (late) new years <3


thank you guys :)


Happy late new year!


@ bunnygunnz  happy late new year to you too


this message may be offensive
          hi guys. as you can see, i unpublished “Lovers From Tokyo”. i have many reasons why and i owe you guys an apology.
          i’ve been tempting to unpublish the story for a LONG time now. i just really wanted to sit down and just think about this story. to be perfectly honest, i’ve been making shit up along the way. and i don’t want to do that anymore, i want to REALLY think this through and have an actual storyline. ik it’s been successful and i know so many of you guys love it. but i want it perfect, for all of you. it’s just hard bc i have no idea what made it successful, so i don’t know what to change. but, i’ll take my chances to change it up a bit. 
          i want to sorry to you guys. i’ve been SO SO inactive for these past couple of months. ik some of you guys have been waiting for updates and i appreciate your guys’ patience. but i can’t help but to feel sorry for making you guys wait. ik there’s other authors out there that take much LONGER, but i just feel sorry.
          honestly i’ve been unmotivated to do anything. i’ve been unmotivated to write and update my story. i’ve unmotivated to make edits for my ig account. but overall, i’ve just been lazy. i chose video games and youtube videos over my passions. and i want to deeply apologize for my laziness. i’m really sorry.
          but recently i’ve been reading so much. it’s been teaching me so many ways how to tell a story. and it’s been inspiring me to write in different styles, it’s teaching me how to put twists and turns in a story, and so much more. on top of that, i’ve been taking writing classes. and those classes has been teaching me a lot of things about writing and storytelling. so i want to take time to learn and improve my writing.
          i love you guys so so much. i appreciate your guys’ support and patience. i love you all, and i promise that i will publish the story as soon as possible! you guys are the best, thank you for reading this. ♡
          - Bunny


@bunnygunnz of course! You’re never alone in this ^^ I’ve gone through wanting to change endings to my books and people say they either think the ending is fine or they don’t want me to change it. But you have to do what is best for you :) don’t be unhappy with your own creation just to please everyone else. It’s your book so you do what u want with it ^^ if they are true readers they will support you no matter what! You’re welcome! I hope I helped you ^^ ❤️❤️


@WarriorCourtney ahh you’re the best! <3 that’s EXACTLY how i feel, i’m glad that there’s people that can relate or understand. tysm for your advice ❤️❤️❤️


omg omg omg! 3k reads on “Lovers From Tokyo”!! thank you guys so much. i’m currently working on the next chapter and summer is coming tomorrow (for me). which means that i’ll be free and have plenty of time to write. i’ll be more active, starting tomorrow <3


I'm so sorry that happened to you l; we all understand that you need to time. Have a good day, and hopefully this helps you out.


@Sonlove17 I'm happy to help you out.


thank you so much ❤️ that means a lot, i hope you have a good day too


updated “Lovers From Tokyo”! please read, vote, and comment! <3


@Sonlove17 aw thank you sm! that means a lot :)


@bunnygunnz it is a really great story,and a lot of cute love. Keep doing what you are doing.