
Its so funny when you being best friend with your crush. HHAHAHA. Flirting with each other but  keep deny it to others. HAHAHA.


@bunnysmolie I sense sarcasm~~ lol



Thank you so very much for reading and voting for my chapters I really really really appreciate it ❤️ and hope you continue enjoy reading it. I PURPLE YOU X100000000000


@bunnysmolie  thank you ❤️ I’m really glad that you like it ❤️ it means a lot to me. 


@heartsxxxx most welcome my dear !❤ You deserve it tho. That book is amazing and fun.  Keep it up!


It's hurt when just stop caring for that person, they just come back to you seeking for your help. But when you start to care about them AGAIN, they act like they don't need you. And the circle going on. I'm tired and disappointed. Can't do nothing cause, even i denied it. I'm still love them no matter what. 


Tidak akan muncul mentari pagi jika tidak didahului dengan kegelapan malam.
          Tidak akan muncul sinar pelangi jika tiada tangisan langit.
          Wahai insan yang sombong. Ketahuilah, sedarlah, setiap keluhan dan rintihan mu itu, bukan kerana untuk menghukum. Tetapi untuk menjadikan mu insan yang hebat.
          Sinarilah kegelapan yang kau hadapi dengan sinar senyum mu. Pasti, kau akan sampai ke penghujungnya.


Are you still going to update Enteral Dream? Anyways, I hope you have a good day! 


@Fruityguk I am sorry honey. I'm not sure when i will update that book. But I'm very thankful to you for getting interest on my book. I'm appreciate it alot. And thank you for the wish. Hope you always have happy and beautiful days. And again, I'm truly sorry, honey.