Lemme drop a little poem I wrote for you here;
She says she's a lovely screw up
The thing is she only got the lovely part right
She says that she likes to admire art
Yet, I don't see her look in a mirror
The finest art I've seen,
Is you before my very eyes
A gentle flower petal flowing in the wind
One of millions
Yet she still stands out
There's something different about this girl
I can't point out exactly what it is,
If it's her beautiful smile and the way her eyes shine
Or the way she'll light up her friend's day
Maybe it's even the simplest detail
That she's herself and lets everyone see
Maybe it's the fact that she appreciates the little things
I have no idea what to do with this chick
She's just a little lightbulb in a dark room
Her short, dark brown hair flows through the wind,
Just like Y/N's would
And maybe in another world she is Y/N
Lmaoo, lowkey Y/N
Love youuuuu❤ enjoy this small crack poem