
/*   BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE, I wholeheartedly ship Mello with Matt. I really do. It's my OTP for both of them, you could say. I just love it. ♡
          	But the other day, when I was bored, I kinda maybe sorta read a Mello/Light fanfiction and kinda sorta liked it??
          	First of all, the writing was just really good. Like.. wow. I wish I could write that good, you know??
          	But also.. it was kinda hot ngl. Don't judge me okay. >.>
          	I don't really ship it, I just enjoyed the fanfiction. I will /always/ prefer Mello and Matt and It's my favorite DN ship tbh.


@Megalomaniac- /*   misa needs to step up her worshipping game :') she's not doing good enough lol


@burnscars mikami is hella obsessive over Kira doe. He makes Misa look like a normal person xD//


@Megalomaniac- /*   YEP CX THAT'S TRUE LOL 
          	  damn i love mikami lmao


Mello your drunk .” The male mumbled looking up at the blonde who had pinned him down on the bed with a eye roll “how much did you drink anyway “


            His breathing was uneven and unsteady.  His lips kissed everywhere they could reach now,  his body shifting against Matt's just a little.  "I-Is that bad...?"  The blond whispered,  biting his lip harshly. 


            Matt knew enough mello was sorry. His eyes widened slightly arching his back at the sudden touch at his sides “nothing just. Gosh you really are out of it drunk.”


            Mello relaxed against the other young man,  his hands sliding up and down his bare sides slowly now.  "I'm sorry,  Matty..."  He whispered after hearing about his sore throat,  sounding really upset for a moment.  He pulled away from his neck only after leaving a hickey.  Then he kissed the corner of his lips.  "So..?"


"Seriously though, we need to work on that smile of yours."


"You literally were holding me against my will. I say you definitely owe me something for not pressing charges, considering what you did was extremely illegal."


            "I'm not here to look better and I don't owe you /anything/. Do you know WHY I kidnapped you?"  He asked,  looking rather irritated now. 


"Oh come on, everyone looks better with a smile. Besides, you owe me something for kidnapping me."


[ time to ask the age old question-]
          Mello , what are we .” The male mumbled leaning against the door frame his arms crossed 


            "Mm.."  Mello gave a soft hum and placed a hand against one side of Matt's face for a moment before nodding.  "Yeah..  that's okay with me."  He said,  his thumb brushing against his cheek bones.


            “Hm yes I think that’s how it goes “ he said wirh a bright smile but he chuckled placing a gentle kiss to the males forehead “if it’s okay with you that is.”


            The kiss to the wrist surprised him some,  pale hues momentarily widening.  Then he pulled his hand away and rolled his eyes as a playful smile tugged at his usually frowning lips.  "You are,  aren't you?  That must mean I'm yours then,  too,  Matt."


"You smell of...poison." the cat boy with the red eye said as he sniffed at the candy bar that sat on a counter top. His sharp steel claws pawing at it like a cat would when curious. 


            Once the..  creature was no longer on his counter,  he placed the chocolate bar back down on it.  He followed after Chesire slowly,  unzipping his coat as he did so.  Mello had just gotten home,  if a cheap apartment counted as "home",  for the evening and saw /this/.  God,  Matt better not have anything to do with this thing being in here or he'd be pissed.  "How did you get in here?"  He asked bluntly,  taking the coat off and leaving him in his usual leather tank top.  He watched the cat boy closely,  blue eyes narrowing as he tossed his coat onto the couch.  


            "Me..cheshire." he said as he placed a 'hand' on his chest. By all means it was very hard to tell what he was. And what his fingers were there but there were incredibly sharp metal claws that hung off of them like knives. Some of them even had blood on them as his claw met his chest to point at himself. He was like a slow child. Innocent looking as he jumped from the counter to slowly walk over to the couch. His eyes set on the arm as he jumped up and crouched on it. Slowly licking his arm with his small pink tongue. 


            Mello,  dressed in a black and feathery coat despite being indoors,  put one hand down into his pocket.  The other held his chocolate down by his side.  He watched the cat boy with an unamused expression,  his scar making him look somewhat more intimidating.  "Who the hell are you?"  He then asked and flipped some longish,  pale yellow strands of hair from his face.


B e t ]
          “Mihael..” the male mumbled his arms wrapped around the blondes waist , pushed up against the wall his heart was beating a mile per hour , flinching slightly at the bites from his neck “I said I’m sorry .” He mumbled his hands gripping at the others waist since
          Matt was in trouble for flirting with some girls , but he thought it was rather funny 


            He looked in the same direction as Matt then put his arms around his neck with a soft sigh.  "The work can wait.  It's fine."  He told him softly then shut his eyes,  leaning forwards and against him just a bit.


            “I won’t . I was joking “ he said with a small smiling pulling away his eyes taking focus to a few stacks of paper he mumbled “ I guess you have work do to.”


            Mello swallowed when he felt his back hit the wall,  his eyes opening and becoming wide for a moment before he relaxed.  He slid a hand up and into Matt's hair,  giving a gentle tug on the strands.  "Mail,  don't.."  He whispered his name,  frowning ever so slightly as he pulled him closer to himself.  


"My my. You are greedy for that victory aren't you?" The strangely tall woman asked as she approached him. Giving one of his men a light pat on the cheek as he gave her his number. Over her eyes were circled glasses. Wearing tomboyish clothing. A leather vest with white fur on the hood. Tall heels and a pair of circular glasses that his her eyes from view. It was strange how motherly she sounded dispite having a cocky smirk on her face. 


            Mello watched the whole scene unfold,  his eyes widening only slightly at the sight of the bullet being forced out of the very same spot he just shot.  He glanced down at the gun in his hand then leaned back against the couch cushions behind him.  "Pals?"  Just the thought made him snort and shake his head.  He set his chocolate down on the coffee table and listened to the guys introduction.  "Greed,  huh?"  He mused out loud to himself.  Was he like some sort human embodiment of that seven deadly sin?  Mello truthfully wouldn't be too surprised if that were the case.  He had a notebook that killed people,  after all.  Nothing was too out of the ordinary anymore.  "Absolutely /nothing/.  You're not getting your hands on it.  End of story.  Besides,  I don't think the Shinigami it belongs to will be too happy if you put your hands on it."  He shrugged,  smirking to himself.  Mello then extended a hand towards this /Greed/ and lifted an eyebrow.  "Also,  I'd appreciate it if you gave me that bullet back."  He then said,  watching him from the corner of his blue eye.


this message may be offensive
             his head cocked back with the bullet that entered his skull. It was there in his head and hell he even looked dead. But after a second of waiting his eyes actually moved. A bright purple spark flew from the bullet wound. The bullet forcing itself out from his forehead first then shut itself like the bullet never hit him. Catching the bullet in his hand he held it in between his fingers." What a shame. And here I thought we could be pals. What am I to know?" He asked as his expression gave a rather strong frown yet it was faked. Rolling it in between his fingers he snickered." Name's Greed, kiddo. I want everything you can possibly imagine. I want money and women, power and sex, status, glory! I demand the finer things in life! Including that damn book. A fucking book that kills whoever's name you write in it!? I want that more than anything." He hissed as he slowly clenched his fists on the couch. His purple eyes vibrated as they shrunk ever so slightly." What would it take to get that book from you?" 


            "Children?  I'm not a child."  Mello stated though that wasn't /quite/ the truth.  He was still pretty young,  considering where he was and what he was doing.  Most boys his age weren't working with the mafia,  kidnapping and killing peoole.  He watched the stranger closely,  his eyes narrowed and his glare unwavering.  Really,  who WAS this guy?  Making eye contact with some of his goons,  he nodded his head slightly.  A few left.  They were going to check out the area to see how this man was able to get in.  When he felt the couch dip next to him,  he looked over and turned the gun so it was still aimed for their "guest".  This guy was bothering him.  "I don't know how you know ANY of this,  but yes.  I do and I did.  I'm going to get this victory if it /kills/ me.  Not to mention,  no body is going to get in my way.  Not even /you/.  So good luck getting your hands on /my/ death note."  The blond told him coldly and took another bite of chocolate,  lifting his gun with the swinging cross hanging from it.  After aiming it directly for the other's head,  he pulled the trigger and shot him.  Mello had a feeling that that wouldn't do much damage...  there was just something about this guy.  He couldn't put a finger on it.  Still,  he was curious to see what happened if he shot him.  