There once was a teenager named William he lived in a community called St.Theresa Point Everybody thought he was happy cheerful and joyful but they didn't know he was getting bullied and abused. He was battling depression he hurt himself everyday. He always made people happy because he didn't want anyone to go through what he was going through. His family didn't care about him they made fun of him they hurt him emotionally. He didn't have any friends he would get bullied everyday...everyday after school when he gets home he stays in his room because he feels safe. He knew he would be doing everyone a favour by killing himself...one day he went for a walk in the woods and he thought to himself "why?" "Why me?". William was gone for three days the police went to go look for him and they found him...but...he was gone he hung himself. The police took him down and struggled to tell the family the bad news about their son *time passes by*. The police knock on the door and walk in to tell the family *an hour passes by* William's family is in shock his mom crying his siblings scared his dad speechless he couldn't believe his son was gone every night he heard William cry himself to sleep but he didn't do anything the next day the whole community was informed everyone was in shock it wasn't the same at school it was quite he made people laugh smile he always helped people he didn't like seeing people sad. Even though he was in a bad mood and quite he would still make people happy his only wish was that someone would finally help him before it was to late... His wish never came true... People thought he was strong and confident but now they know he was scared lost afraid broken. He had no one...but everyone missed him he was a nice guy the world needs more people like him... The police found a note on William it said " Mom Dad Randal Daniel Star Jade I'm sorry I can't keep going the world is to cruel why me? I'm sorry I love you guys... Bye".