You know.... I’ve read your book twice - the nerd and the bad boy. The first time about 2 1/2 years ago and now. AND yet you are still not done and it’s September 10th, 2020. Your a very good author but it is not very nice to leave your readers hanging after we voted and commented on your great story. It’s very rude. It’s a good thing I didn’t tell the publisher about your book. I wanted to wait til you completed the great amazing story I fell in love with. Yes I know you have a life too but so does everyone else. It would only take you 5 minutes to post here and tell us the story is on hold for however long or your sick or you have writers block( which happens to a lot of authors), etc..... you’ve written once in 2016/17. I really hope someday you finish this amazing story. I hope you are okay though. Have a blessed day.