
Hello, i'm Megan (Butfuckthough)'s close friend, i'm not joking around, and you will notice she has not posted in awhile, well, bless her soul, she resently got in a car crash on December 29th 2016. She slid into oncoming traffic and was hit by three cars, two on the left, one on the right. Megan was rushed to the hospital but didn't make it through the night, she told me one thing to tell her readers, "Thank you for the support" she spent her last remaining time with family. Now i know it sounds fake, but sincerely it's not. The final chapter is going to be posted on my account in a few days. She had finished it, but yet posted it. Megan wanted it to be a new years gift, but clearly didn't happen. "Thanks for the support, i love you all"