Hey guys!
Luce Started a wonderful project and I wat to share it with you guys. I did it too.
A project for self confidence.
These are Luce's rules:
"I want every user (that feels comfortable putting a picture of themselves up online), to take a pictures of themselves. No makeup. No filters. No editing out blemishes. Upload the first picture you take and use it as your profile picture.
You don't have to keep it up for long, at least for a few days, but put the real you out there. No edits, no makeup, just the real you in all it's glory.
I've done the same. Now I'm not the prettiest, but I'm confident in myself. I want every girl on here to feel the same way. So spread the word of this project, send a message to your followers, and join the cause.
I'm calling it the Project for Self Peace. The rules: take a photo, use the first photo you take, upload it as your profile picture without any editing or filters."
If you send a message to your followers telling them to do this, then Lucy'll follow you, just include her in the message and include the rules she's given. Also, be involved in the project yourself.