
@minghao- YESS i will always be there for youu. Iam glad that i helped you.You should smile and try to be happy, so in this way you will pay back,hahaha.and yeah math is killer,but think about it,someday we will get rid of it,right?? IAM GLAD TO KNOW THAT YOU STOPPED CRYING.. just remeber that iam proud of you and iam happy for having you in my life~♡ILY❤


Thanks for reading and voting <3 


Awww☺️ it sounds to nice that I can't <3 


@esskayU omg what?? NO iam saying the truth hahaha no really iam not joking..it is soooo good so you better belive it 


I see you're good at overstate :D 


@minghao- don't cry please.. imagine your cat is infront of you,and something bad happened with you..will you cry?or will she be pleased if she watch you crying? NO,she will be hurt and sad..so stop crying and keep her in ur heart..and instead of crying,keep on ur mind that ur cat is watching you, and crying is not the right solution.Just keep your cat on your heart and remember the days that you spent it with your cat. God bless your cat's soul.