
Heartstopper is on Netflix today


          so I just downloaded the Libby library app thing and I did this with the full intent to read HEARTSTOPPER because I got the first book but I am broke so I can’t buy the other three
          So I go and I put all three on hold and this was the first crack in the glass because I want to read them now but you know what I can wait for maybe a day if I’m pushing my luck 
          But you what I have to wait ten weeks to read volumes 2,3 but I have to wait an extra 2 weeks after that to read volume 4 
          So now I am very upsetti spaghetti because I can’t watch the Netflix show on April 22 like everyone else
          So now I might cry because of that and also I have had a very poopy week this his week
          So if anyone has a way for me to read them now (for free) that would be greatly appreciated 
          Have a good night/day


@Gay_punk_rock_mess Thank you 
            I found the second and third one but I still couldn’t find the fourth so this will be helpful
            Thanks a ton


@butter_noodle You can read all of Heartstopper for free on Webtoon


can someone tell me if freddy carter's horse show is good or not 
          like i would watch it for freddy but if its not that good maybe not 
          also he uses the same voice for kaz so through the whole show i will hear kaz brekker talk about horses 
          or whatever he does in that show