
Ok but ngl this thing is so friggin annoying wtf


let me be your 222nd follower, cause you're absolutely savage, talented and your comments in purple rain made my day like 24/7 ❤


@--kaessy please publish it, from what I saw it has great potential!! And yes please I'm so ready hehe. I'll dm you my e-mail?


Ughhhh, I don't know if I'll ever publish it but I can send it to you via e-mail if you want to ❤


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It’s officially 2018 now. Wtf. I honestly can’t believe it. It’s been a looooong, loooooooooooooooong time since I posted something on my message board that wasn’t a reply. Not even on Christmas because yo girl didn’t realize Wattpad didn’t send the post. But yes, it’s officially 2018, and time to do some thank you‘s. (Yes I know most people do them on December 31st but honestly I couldn’t care less hahahaha.)
          The first ones go to @agustofwind, @christaeh, @suhonig and @ohrelijeon. Thank you guys for supporting all the shit I do and for being the best mentors you could ever imagine. Thank you for being great friends. Thanks for all the laughs we had together – even if we weren’t next to each other when we did so. I hope 2018‘s going to bring us even closer to each other ❤️
          Then there are some other ones left: @iamarmyyyyy, @kookie_lover04 & @hairypotterxobts. Thank you for always keeping up with me, even when your ears hurt from all my bad af singing and my loud & annoying af voice. Thank you for always being by my side when I have a bad day. Thank you for all the fangirling we do together almost everyday hahaha. I bet everyone from our school knows us because of it hahaha. I love you guys ❤️ can’t wait to see you next Monday!
          And then I have to thank everyone else that decided to join me on my journey of finding out what I should write and how I should write. Thank you for being part of my journey and I hope I’ll get better and update more regularly this year (honestly the last few months were a disaster with updates and I’d like to apologize). Thanks for staying here!
          I love y’all lots!
          - Aprilia 


@suhonig thank you so much Emma ❤️ I’m so thankful that y’all came into my life and cheer me up, and you do it 24/7? I love you and yes I still hate myself for not meeting u :(((( 
            Loves u & will never move out


Aprilia, my sweet baby niece.❤️ You are without doubt one of the brightest lights in my life and despite us only knowing each other over the internet, I prefer you over 99% of the people I know in person. (Sad, but true.) You are incredibly smart, sweet, sassy, savage and just plainly talented in so many aspects of life - you simply are a walking genius as it is, and I guess the day will come when you'll take over planet earth, because you've honestly got the potential to do that.
            Please don't ever move out (no matter how nice Rose is, don't you ever leave me) and even if you were, I am positive that I'll remember you for the rest of my life; as Aprilia, the sweet girl from Wattpad who would always be able to put a smile on everyone's lips.❤️
            All the love and I wish you all the best for 2018.❤️❤️
            (By the way, I am still mildly pissed that you didn't ditch your dentist for me, when I was in your hometown, sis❤️)


Aprilia my love you were the first one of the squad i met and i‘m so lucky that you exist on the same planet as me. You‘re a wonderful young girl. Never forget that. And please please go into politics!! I want #Jisoo4president and I want you to change the world with that huge amount of opinion you have. You‘ll always be my one and only soft bitch and i‘ll always be  #JisoosFirstVoter
            I love you❤️


Apriliiiia, my girl! ❤️
          Ich poste auf Messageboards gerade irgendwelche Nachrichten, weil ihr mir alle viel bedeutet, 2017 sich dem Ende zuneigt und ich nichts Besseres zu tun habe.
          Du bist eine Bereicherung in meinem Leben und ich werde nicht müde zu betonen, wie sehr du mich beeindruckst. Bin ich in deinem Alter schon mit Interesse durch Kunstgalerien gelaufen, wusste ich damals schon, wie man das Wort Feminismus schreibt? Was Social Justice eigentlich ist? Wahrscheinlich nicht. 
          Ich komme nicht darüber hinweg, dass du absolut großartig bist. Gut, Apri, engelhaft, selbst, wenn du protestieren möchtest. Ich sehe dich, Apri, ich sehe die Tatsache, dass du teilweise sogar noch fantastischster bist als Jisoo, der du seit jeher als Vorlage dienst. Du kannst mich nicht täuschen, ich bin deine Eomma, my sweet thing. Ich bin beeindruckt von so vielem, was du tust und schaffst, und bist und darstellst. Ich habe es dir schon oft gesagt, aber ich hege so große Hoffnungen in dich. Wenn wir alle so werden könnten wie du, so aufmerksam und offen und großzügig, ich glaube, dann gäbe es so viel Hoffnung für diesen Planeten. 
          Ich hab dich absolut lieb, Apri, und mögest du in 2018 alles an Glücklichkeit erlangen, das du verdienst. 
          Love you so so much
          Rose ❤️


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@agustofwind Rose, du weißt nicht, wie viel du mir bedeutest holy shit. We both know I’m not the best with words and I’m also not very good at expressing myself clearly, but when I’m talking to you I feel like you understand me even though others don’t. I know i already thanked you so so so so so many times but I can’t thank you enough. I love you even more Rosy, I swear I do!
            Still love you more ;)
            Your awkward lil bitchy dEVIL Apri ❤️❤️❤️