
Hey you are the only consistent reader I have right now... would you like to say anything about the characters or do you want something about my writing skills....your opinion really matters and it might help me to improve myself.


@livinmyownfiction am loving the characters till now nd ur writing is good just continue the way ur write 


Hey dear reader ,
          Hope you are doing well:)
          I am a new author and would be really glad if you could give my book a try .
          One's completed while other is ongoing. You can check them out on my profile. It would really mean alot to me if you could do so.
           comment,follow me only if you like the story thankyou<3


          Hope you're having a great day❤
          I would really appreciate it if you could check out my  book I'm working on if its not too much trouble.
          Also feedbacks are appreciated, helps me get better as a growing author.
          Thank youuu  <3



          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does love mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. It explores baring your  soul to someone  in hopes that it would lead to true love.
          I'll be posting chapters every Fridays so you'll always have something to look forward to.✨
          I hope you join me on this journey.
          Warning! You might just fall in love!❤️