Hey there!
I'm new to Watt pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (vo t i ng , f anning, and whate v e r ar e a ll o ptional, it s t he r evi ews I nee d!) I' d lo ve to retu rn the fav or, and I will!
I know this mig ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thank s f o r reading this!
My Stories--Gol den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obse s s ive to p student who act u a ll y pro cras tinates eve r yt hi ng , and b ound of Ivy ; fut ure ca re erist and c ur re nt fort une tel ler. U ntil -- tha t is- -she fin ds out e ver yth ing s he ac ed is more o r les s a be n tre vato-- so go od by e model stude nt a nd st rivin g socia lit e--a n d hel l o de mons laye r/alche m ist and au tomatic in dust ry ty c oon--t h at is, if she survives.
http://www.watt pad.com/368057-golden-dawn
Elven Mob Bosse s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elv es . Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savv y m ega corpo rati ons, of un derw orld crimin al ru le, re s istan ce in this m obocra c y i s fut ile wh en your Kin g c a n be yo ur dish washer i n one da y. I ntergala ctic be st sel ler an d future O lig arch , K ronos fø d t av Mø rke� �ska la soon fi n ds o ut ho w h is fi ckl e wor ld mi gh t cha n ge--w ith his help too.
http://www.watt pad.com/368278-elven-mob-boss e s-and-rebel-heirs