Miss me?? I hope so, because I missed you! if not, then I'll make sure that all my characters chase you with their -obviously- fast cars.
Only two more months left to finals. I'm stressed, sooooo stressed you can actually tell, but I'm keeping my hopes up. It will pass, and the schools applications will come and I'll under more stress but it's okay. Because I'll be back !!!!
The finals happen in June, the school applications end in August I believe, but I'll see if I can have time to write in early summer, if not please bear with me.
I'm sorry but right after I'll be back, the story will be unpublished. The past few months I've been rereading it and noticing a few holes in te story, scenes that don't work or something not written as good as it should, but I'll make sure to mention whether you'll need to reread it again or not.
Wish me luck and know that I'm always grateful for your support and all <3
If you need to contact me, here is my instagram @butterflyeffect1x.books, feel free.
Sending you a bunch of I love yous <<<<<3