
Übrigens sobald ich herausgefunden hab wie starte ich vielleicht auch auf ao3! 
          	By the way as soon as I figured out how I might also start on ao3! 


Leute es tut mir so so leid das ich so lange nicht mehr gepostet hab ich bin momentan sehr viel in stress mit der schule wegen hohen Fehlzeiten aufgrund mobbing und hab keine zeit zu schreiben und dadurch bin ich nicht mehr so ganh bei der sache und daher hab ich eine massive schreib blockade also sobald ich bereit bin werden neue kapitel kommen 
          Ich freue mich über Verständnis jeglicher art und hoffe ihr seid nicht böse 
          Guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I'm currently under a lot of stress with school because of high absenteeism due to bullying and I don't have time to write and that means I'm not really into the storyline anymore and that's why I have a massive writing-blockade so new chapters will come as soon as I'm ready
          I am happy about any kind of understanding and hope you are not angry   


Sorry guys that I'm not writing new chapters it's because I'm at my best friend's house for 5 days and she lives a little further from me (3 hours-)
          So there will be updated soon
          It's only tomorrow and 1 complete day and night left then I'm going home and then there will be new chapters




Im coming home soon, I call you when I’m home and when you have time:)


Hi guys, I actually wanted to write the first chapter of my henclair story but I'm so tired I hope y'all aren't mad it was a very stressful day and I had an autistic meltdown like an hour ago and now I'm pretty tired and it's also like 12 am right now.
          But tomorrow the chapter will definitely get online I promise this :) and if I find the chance to I will also continue writing the other stories