
this message may be offensive
am considering writing a new elsa x femreader, but it may be partly(or mostly) satire since i wanna be funny instead of acting like i know shit about romance. stay tuned. or don't


Happy New Year, everyone. I unfortunately won't be active on Wattpad until further notice. I do plan on returning in the future on a different account however, with some stories planned, so be on the lookout I guess! Hope you all are doing well.


oookay, so i've started rewriting Don't Hold On Too Tight for the second time, i'm rewriting Afraid of What I'm Risking, and I'm still getting started with Ain't Got the Nerve and two oneshots for (She) Tastes Like Strawberries... i also have a billion other fics to write. ah jeez why do i do this to myself


Hey everyone!
          I just wanted to say, thank you all so much for the support. The reads, votes, comments - they make me happy and motivated to write more. I never thought my writing would get as much attention as it has now, and I'm really sorry to everyone who has been waiting for weeks, months for updates on my fics! ;-;
          I'm kind of busy at the moment, but am finding time to do some writing. So, here's what I'm working on.
          Don't Hold On Tight (REVAMPED) - this is my priority fic, rewriting everything as well as planning out Act 2 has been kinda tough but I'm doing just fine.
          Afraid Of What I'm Risking - I haven't updated this in so long and am still in a planning/outlining stage, as in the whole general story, but do expect an update soon.
          Ain't Got The Nerve - Now, the main reason I've been reluctant to release another chapter is because this fic is based in a university setting. I know barely anything about what the environment is like, so it will take some time for me to do some research in order to continue with this.
          She Tastes Like Strawberries - I'm thinking this would be more of an AnnaxFemreader oneshots book, with different prompts and things. I still haven't got any ideas for now.
          I'm also going to say that I am currently working on a fanfic for my friend, and may prioritise that over the rest at times.
          Let me know what you think. As always, thank you so much, have a good night and stay safe! ❄