
it’s been a while, huh?


Hello readers! 
          I’m hoping to make up a name for my fellow readers, if there even are any, but anyways, I sincerely apologize for not updating or writing any books. The school year is coming to an end so that means more projects and assignments coming before the year is over, so I’ve been extremely busy with all of them, but I’m planning on writing over the summer. So as soon as the school year is over, I’ll be writing again! I really hope you guys haven’t given up on me just yet! I have some great ideas heading your way so please look forward to them! I really appreciate you reading this far and staying with me. 
          Your author, 


I’m so proud of myself guys, I wrote a chapter in one day! Usually it takes me a few days to plan more about the chapter but this one was quick. I’m proud of myself haha! Sorry for bothering you guys... I hope you have/had a good night/day!!


I’ll be updating tonight! I really hope you guys look forward to it and I hope you guys can read it. I’ve got so many ideas but they are for future chapters! I apologize for not updating my books for months! I really am sorry.. I’ve just been so busy and I’m going through a lot this month.. my grandpa passed away recently so I’ve been staying at my grandma’s place a lot and I don’t have their WiFi heh but yea I promise to update a lot more now! Please look forward to it, I’d really like to publish something people would actually read and would actually want to read.