
If y'all got any good and cvntiest minsung on ao3 or here, if do let me know!


minsung. yes.
          But heyy! Do you maybe know how minsungers debated whether Limbo and Volcano were related to each other? Well I can't say it's true in real life but if you'd want to read it in a fictional plot then I'm writing a fan fiction based on this idea if you'd be interested to read! 
          I could use some feedback, only if you'd actually want to try it out though. Of course, don't feel obligated just cause I asked. I understand everybody's busy and has a life of their own! I barely just wanted you to know that there's a story like this out somewhere. I hope you don't mind it or take it otherwise because that's really not my intention and I'd never want to pressurize you.
          Hoping this message finds you well. Take care! (: