
Been busy with school and courses and life...i need to breathe


Yup, YBWM memang lagi di tulis ulang sama aku biar rapi karena itu ketikan aku dari tiga taun yang lalu dan bisa kebayang kan segimana alaynya Dan ya ini aku ubah-ubah gitu ceritanya tapi intinya bakal ttp nyambung sama Recovery of Love. 
          Chapter 1 nya udah di re-publish hehe, buat new readers welcome & kalo yang udah pernah baca & udah vote juga boleh baca dehh tuh soalnya bener-bener aku ubah biar nyambung :) thanku <3
          REVENGE. & YOUTH. tetep berjalan ko...cuman aku lumayan stuck dan lagi ngerangkai kata-katanya. Update kapan? Hm, hanya bisa bilang secepatnya okay... :)


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Ok gue mulai mikir kalo sebelum zayn out dari 1d mereka berlima udh berencana udahan aja 1d nya tapi zayn keluar duluan. Lalu hiatus dimulai setelah mitam&perform terakhir di xfactor itu udah hints banget dari simbol dimulai&diakhiri di panggung xfactor. Terus Harry dikontrak untuk main film, ok mungkin Harry ingin menekuni bidang yang lain in which he actually good at it, and then Niall serius menekani bidang olahraga dari golf, tennis, sampe sepak bola yang sama Louis itu bahkan dia keknya dah punya semacem company golf sendiri gitu. Dan Louis saatnya mengurusi hidupnya yang messy, but a miracle because who knows he gonna be a father at this age tho. But he loves his son diatas semua drama antara Danielle-Briana. Terus Liam yang jarang ada kabar sejak pacaran sama Cheryl, juga dia kan pernah rekaman sama Juicy J & Wiz Khalifa kan waktu itu oke emang semua tau Liam bisa ngerap dan ngebeatbox. Tapi intinya gue jadi kepikiran mungkin sebelum Zayn bener2 left, diatuh sebnernya ga left tanpa bicara berlima gitu. Gue yakin ada hidden conversation yang ga diketahui siapa2 dan Zayn adalah tipikal yang gatahan muak sama semua bullshit keluar duluan. Dan siapatau sebnernya Zayn ikutan proses album mitam meskipun ga ikut bikin lirik & rekaman. Tapi intinya ini semua udah terencana...gue udah mencermati semua lirik di mitam rata2 tentang perpisahan ok?:) its all about time, though. 2011-2015 , not gonna say 2016 bcs they're over since their last performance. BUT, they are legends and legends don't die. 
          Dan kita masih bisa mengapresiasi mereka masing-masing di jalan yang berbeda-beda. Gue juga berharap mereka bahagia dan bisa tetep temenan meskipun gabisa kaya 1D dulu lagi. 
          Goodnight, peace out. xx


@buzzmoodeey lu tau ga yang suka ada di ini talk show? wkwk


@MiaBichos loh kok kokologi?:D


@buzzmoodeey ya ampun, ini cocokologi yang luar biasa :'


One day you're gonna lose someone, and it's okay to feel's okay to's okay to be broken. It's like before we met that person we were blind and then they opened up our eyes to the beautiful days. And when they decided to leave, they also took your vision. Your eyes gonna be blurry from tears. But i guess it's okay, because everyone does too. Losing someone are meant to be. Even if we don't want to, even if we thought it's impossible. They're just gonna leave one day, okay? We're gonna be with ourself for a while..even for a long time and this must be enough. You got yourself before you reach out for the others, you hear me? 
          Everyone just gonna leave, whether it's 'cause of moving, fighting, cheating, betraying, hating, lying, day they woke up and decided they don't want you in their life anymore. 
          People change their mind. And you can't do anything about it. 
          - 1 am thoughts


@ buzzmoodeey   :")