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Honestly y'all, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius was the best cartoon growing up. Don't argue with me on this fam. Sheen was the best character in my opinion, he was just so funny and represented me in ways even I myself couldn't. Then Planet Sheen came along. Planet Sheen was a SHHHHITFEST honestly the theme song was shit, the frame rate during the theme was shit, the characters were shit and the plot, you guessed it, was shit. It literally was the same thing every single episode, for 26 episodes. Very few shows can make something like that work, like Phineas and Ferb (read a conspiracy theory about this show the other day that made me c r y a fucking river) but Planet Sheen was not one of them. Sheen was my favourite character and I was so hyped for a spinoff all about him but then it came out and it was crap. Sheen deserves more #JusticeForSheen