Hai Becky, its Morgan. ^-^ Michelle's daughter. Anyways, heh, you're really good at writing books. I also think Ricky "Horror" Olson is my favorite. He's so kewwwwwt! cx

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@Starr_Child722 Yeah. You can't say sorry to everything and expect it to be fine. No. That's not how life works. Once you've done something, you have to earn that trust and respect back. You don't just automatically have it back, and go on fucking people over. Fucking someone over whose helped you so many times, vs not fucking anyone over who has helped. See, I helped. And I got fucked over. Drake's in my life, and you can't just go and rip me out of his. You see. Drake's the only father figure I've been having lately. I don't have anyone else here for me at the moment. I have 5 real friends after finding out who cares and who doesn't care. And after finding out who didn't care, I figured, "why would someone want to do that? I've been there for that person almost two years, yet I continue to let them fuck me over." I spent multiple nights thinking about this. All conclude that I was being fucked over my limit. I'm the type of person that wouldn't normally care about that. Yet when I figured it out. I grew furious with myself. I let this go on, and I didn't stop it. Why do you think I keep to myself? Why do you think I like starving myself? It's because of society fucking me over. An I'm done with that. I'm not going to continue to let people fuck me over.

@Starr_Child722 Yes. Sorry is going to fix everything. Just, let me go break a glass plate, put it back together, and tell it sorry. It won't fix itself. No, there's still cracks, and chips of the plate. It's to late for sorry.

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@Starr_Child722 ..... You said you were going to cut me off because I talk to Drake... that's no right.. I'm suppose to be your daughter, but yet you were going to cut me off? & all because he won't talk to you? I'm sorry, but that's unforgettable... and unforgivable. You didn't see me wanting to leave anytime soon, but when you said how you were, I knew you weren't going to, but I didn't want to deal with the drama or pain. I'm tired of people saying they're my friends, but going and turning their backs on me. That's no right at all. I left for my own good. I've been burning and curling myself lately, yet, the only one to actually tries to help an get ahold of me is Drake most of the time. He's actually helping me stop both of those. Making someone promise is big. But, being able to know how much someone cares and how they don't want you hurting yourself over petty bullshit isn't okay.