HELLO!!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!
I have been absent from Wattpad for a while now, so I’m unsure if this will actually reach any of my followers or if I’m just speaking into the void. But!!! Here is some information on future updates and fanfics.
I have a bonus/special chapter for Obliviate sitting in my drafts. It’s been completely written for almost two years now, but I can never find a good time to upload it. I’m hoping to finally release it soon and use that momentum to catapult a new fan fiction.
I cannot reread Obliviate because it makes me cringe so hard. I started writing it when I was pretty young, and more and more inconsistencies popped up as the years continued. It’s obviously written by a Harry Potter Obsessed Preteen, and now that I’m older and better at writing, it’s a little painful to read. This bonus chapter is a good way to revisit Remus and Ivy without actually reading it.
I visited Universal Studios this past week and got to visit the ever-immersive world of Harry Potter. While it’s been at least 8 years since I read the series for the first time, it will always hold a special place in my heart. Visiting Universal made me want to reread the series. More importantly, it made me want to start writing more diligently and often.
I plan for my next fanfic to be a Sirius Black x OC story. If I muster up the willpower and dedicate enough time to writing, I hope to release a prologue and cast/playlist very soon. The updating schedule may not be very consistent at all, so bear with me, but I hope you’ll support me in my future writing endeavors and be at least a little patient.
Thank you for your support!!