
Hi, hellooo. It has been forever since the last time I logged into my account, and phew this feels weird. Everything is so different now. And it's the last month of 2019 already. I didn't realize it has been sooo long since I published my books. It's cool to see people are still reading them up until now and thank you so much for the support. I'm happy to read all of the comments on my books after so long. Reading my books that I wrote years ago, I find some parts weird and I think a liiitle bit of editing is needed so that's what I'm probably gonna do, if anyone cares haha. 
          	Happy holiday, I hope this year was great for you. Thank you always.


it's been about 3 years since you left your last massge in here, and almost 1 years since a person wrote last massge in here, i read all of ur books…. They were all amazing.., but after I checked your account and saw conversation massges , it feels damn weird, i kinda wish, I found your account from the beginning , knowing your not even in here and stop reading storys in here ,  seeing someone and a good writer like that just feel soo weird, it made me ask myself "would i leave here someday ? Like that too ? " , like that i mean , dont even logging into my account. that feels weird, that's why i write this massge in leave it in here , thanks for your amazing works :) 
          U won't see this massge right ?:) 
          I know i just wanted to leave it 


Sería muy feliz si sus obras fueran traducidas, SON UNA VERDADERA OBRA DE ARTE! Amo mucho estas historias y amo mucho a la escritora, espero que en un futuro suba más porque tiene mucho talento para la escritura. Espero que se encuentre bien y con salud, besos.


Hi, hellooo. It has been forever since the last time I logged into my account, and phew this feels weird. Everything is so different now. And it's the last month of 2019 already. I didn't realize it has been sooo long since I published my books. It's cool to see people are still reading them up until now and thank you so much for the support. I'm happy to read all of the comments on my books after so long. Reading my books that I wrote years ago, I find some parts weird and I think a liiitle bit of editing is needed so that's what I'm probably gonna do, if anyone cares haha. 
          Happy holiday, I hope this year was great for you. Thank you always.


After a million years, finally! 
          The second book of Crush, Almost is now published! 
          And I decided to write it from Park Jimin's point of view instead of hers. 
          I hope you guys will enjoy and love this one as much as you guys did for the first book. 
          Thank you for requesting and waiting.