
LOGGED IN OUT OF NOWHERE UGHHH im into tf2 now.... might post very lazy fics of tf2 here. i have an ao3 tho where i'll be putting high effort fics ^^ ill link it whenever i get my heavymedic fic out :3c 
          	hope yall have been well tho ! <3


LOGGED IN OUT OF NOWHERE UGHHH im into tf2 now.... might post very lazy fics of tf2 here. i have an ao3 tho where i'll be putting high effort fics ^^ ill link it whenever i get my heavymedic fic out :3c 
          hope yall have been well tho ! <3


Hello followers! I am officially back on Wattpad!!
          I don't know what content I'm going to make next, but it will most likely involve either an update to a story (very unlikely though, because I am not very involved in any of the previous fandoms I've written about) or a new story about a new fandom (more likely)! 
          The fandoms it will most likely be about will be: My Hero Academia, Seven Deadly Sins, Countryhumans, celebrities/bands, and other optional fandoms!
          I'm glad to be back!!! Thank you all for the support even though I haven't been very active! :)


Your pfp is bae


@Phantrashistrash or you could say,  IT IS BOSS!!!!!!