Yk what's truly sad about taking a long hiatus? That your loyal readers and mutuals are leaving as well. Their comments brought so much joy back then. I really hope that they're doing well and do whatever they like and enjoy deep within their heart. The same goes for my new readers who will never experience me being an active writer again and I'm truly sorry about that. Anyways I love you all, many hugs and kisses for y'all. <3
PS: missing old times and the people really does hurt. Treasure everyone who's in your life and if you don't like someone cut them off immediately. Don't harm yourself, be nice to yourself. No one will take as much care as you. I hope there's nothing for you to regret when you're thinking about old times, if there's something make sure to learn and do better next time. Also make sure to always believe in yourself when no one else will. No matter how long it will take but you can overcome hard times. Always remind yourself that it's okay to take a break if you need one.
If I keep talking this is getting way too long rip see you in a few months then