Plot twist: All-Might is just Japanese Superman who takes Deku, Japanese Superboy, into the Japanese X-Mansion to become part of the Japanese X-Men, while old, yellow Mega Man farts from his toes.
@Kitten_707 Dumb Pikachu accidently electrocutes Sally-Hands lethally. This shocks civilians in horror, so Purple Diaper Balls sticks one of his testies onto every eye of a person.
Bro tf
I shouldn’t be up
Why am I like this
Plz send help
Just reading some Sal x readers ya know
I’mma try and sleep now
Dream about my love lel
I heard a noise
@Kitten_707 When your sister never mentions you by username so by chance, you find a reply to a message you wrote on her wall like two weeks ago. Also, you smell like salami and vinegar.
When you’re trying to hide the sally face sweater you bought ur sister but the claps of ur ass cheeks keeps on alarming her cause your too D U M M Y T H I C C
@Kitten_707 But...please? I've consumed too much that it's resulted in serious health issues. Medical treatment expenses are at an all-time high. I d-don't think I can...make it. So I ask, just this once...
y a
l i k e
j a z z?