So, to my mutuals or anyone for that matter. I have a question, if you are apart of the LGBTQ community do you get offended when men who are not gay say the fword, and that's so gay? Genuine question, because I personally get offended, but do you get offended?

@ariesaerglowsith Oh love ya too & plz don't mention it... People r gettin' weirder & weirder these days & it's disappointin' to say that v leave in such toxic world!

@Jeon_Taejin13 I love you omg thankkkk you! Because ik a lot of people just can't seem to mind their own business and have to feel the need to get onto someone about their sexual orientation.

@ariesaerglowsith Ofc I'll support these beautiful people! I'll stand for justice whenever I c 1! Which I hardly c any in our world tho... But whatever, bein' gay is not an bad thin' & they shouldn't be treated as Inferiors!