
I'm now on ff.net! it was confusing as bloody hell to upload a story from my phone but I did it folks. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check it out. It's called 'chest cracked' It was a chapter from my dribbles that I was proud of so I decided to publish it. 
          	thank you!!


Hey! Okay so there was a co-owner to this account (autumn) and it turns out that story was literally copy and pasted off ff.net. The original story is called Spiced Molasses by Mondinu666(?) autumn has since then been kicked off this account due to the fact that this isn't the first time. I just happened to catch her. Sorry about that! Check out the original story! 


@bxthyl ive been trying to figure out how forever!! how did you do ittttt if you don't mind me asking lmao


it's a hell of a lot easier on a computer, I'll tell you that, after all it is a site primarily made for desktop or laptop users. however if you are doing it on your phone or tablet, you have to switch it to desktop view and click your username. then you click your docs and you can copy and paste the story on there or if your using a laptop, you upload your document. it's so confusing and highly irritating to do to be completely honest  


Quick thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my works! Honestly guys it still blows my mind to this day that I was able to receive so many nice comments and such great support for all of my stories, it's just the greatest feeling. Although I've said it many times in authors notes, I really truly mean it. Thank you. 
          Have a wonderful day my little bethlings!
          Love always,