
I'm back!


Sometimes I feel like everyone is just waiting for me to snap and lose it on them and go crazy. Then comes the question, Am I crazy???


@bye---losers  Hey text me, we have not talked in a while.


@umm_okay_bye Yeah you are crazy, but you're a good kind of crazy


@bye---losers  No, I am though. People say I need "a lot of help" and part of me says their right, while the other says they can eat a d*** and that their jealous, but then again there is nothing to be jealous of, I guess I'm crazy!?!?!?


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Love this bio!!!
          The girl you called fat? She starves herself. The girl you called ugly? She spends hours doing her make up so that people will like her. That guy you laughed at because of his scars? He fought for his country. The boy punched in the hall today, committed suicide a few minutes ago. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. The boy you made fun of for crying? His mom is dying. That fourteen-year-old girl with the baby that you called a slut? She was raped. The boy you called lame? He has to work every night to support his family. Put this on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet that 95% of you won't, prove me wrong. But I'm sure the people with the backbone and a heart will.


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@bye---losers just wanna say YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME


Omg thanks! I love interacting with my followers!


@bye---losers I'm sorry I keep spamming ur page thingy with comments n stuff but I freaking love your bio it's just omg I can't u are so awesome


I'm in pain, and no one even notices. They don't care what happens to me, and I doubt that they love me. My family doesn't understand any of the things that I am going through, and my friends don't seem to care anymore. I'm just done with all of this. 


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@bye---losers hey I just followed u because YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME and u remind me of myself and I just want to say I have been where u r I'm kinda there right now and I just want u to know no matter what there is always someone there even when it seems like your friends don't care about u or when ur family doesn't understand u there will always be someone u know what I don't like giving my information out on public shit but I will anyway my email is and if u need anything email me (if u email me I can give u my phone number but I don't like putting my phone number out on social shit online lol sorry) I know I'm kinda rambling and I'm sorry but I would love to talk to u about anything u can vent on me and trust me I am a very trustworthy person and someone who gives fairly good advice and if u need to talk to me about anything u can I read ur bio and u seem pretty fuckin awesome and I'm a 13 year old girl going through family problems and guilt and self doubt and shit and ugh sorry this is so long but pls get in touch with me!!!


OK guys sooooooo I recently got p.m. that said that I only follow people so that I can get follows. I just want to let you all know the fives not true. I am following so many people because I like their work or because I have interacted with them on Wattpad. Before following someone, I always open up their page, read a little bit of their bio and look at their works