


One of my friends said to watch this animation series called 'Llamas with Hats.' 
           The series was so sad. I feel bad for the two llamas
           And I'm also a little tiny tad bit scared... ;-;


@dEteRmInEdChiLD918 I suppose it artistic-ly displayed how not having a stable relationship with at least one person can deteriorate the mind and cause utter insanity and chaos, and for that I give the creator kudos, but something about the series just... unsettled me dearly.


I loved that animation series.


To all the people away from home:
            Take time to call your mom. She loves to hear from you. And right now, with everything that's going on, she wants to be sure your safe, and taking care of yourself.
           To all the people who haven't seen your friends in a while:
           Video call them. They probably would love to see you and talk with you. Catch up with each other. 
           To all the people:
           Check up on your grandparents via call. They need it right now.
           In this time of hardship and crisis, we should all be there for each other the best we can. A simple call, or text, can make quarantine not as lonely. 
           Please, remember to wash your hands and take care of yourself <3


Today is the first day of Spring! I'm so happy that I get to wear cute clothes, like shorts, sundresses, and skirts ^^ Where I live the weather is always pleasant during springtime, so I like to spend a lot of time outside playing with my doggie and drawing and coloring and painting. And today I'm having a dinner with my grandparents and uncle so I'm very happy about that ^^.


@bygonebabydoll this is the happiest and cutest thing I’ve heard in a while and I love it lol


Your account is so cute btw