You know what they say... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree which is true because they're ✨fruity✨ just like me , my siblings , and my parents-
@_sugarkisses_ Heyo 'm Cass
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My siblings are annoying oftenly but I love them a lot but fuck off and let me sleep sometimes , damn-
I love all my siblings there is no but , i love all these bitches also like none of us are cis which is great
CASSSSSSSSSS i got a lover before you :P
heyyy bestieeee
My bestie absolutely slays like they're the best fr { totally not in a "I'm in love with them but totally oblivious abt it way" totally not }
[ i gtg soon but will be back in a few hours lol ]
@-romeo-pettigrew- { wbbbbbbbbb the thing above this is Cass being gay for their bestie w/ou knowing :) }
Don't- don't do anything, I just need to rant about something but don't do anything like- bad-? [do doo do do badoop ba da drama ✨️ ]
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@-romeo-pettigrew- { same } ...*sighs a bit in of course this bitch did* Romes... m so sorry.. you don't deserve that.. listen , I don't think... i think you should just end it.. She's so manipulative and shit , but thats your choice and I'll {try to} respect it , i think leaving her would be better for you and your mental health...
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@-romeo-pettigrew- So uhm- Rayne said that I'm always hanging out with her.. even though I'm not because I spent /f i v e h o u r s/ with her yesterday after I told her I was s'pose to hang out with Merc yesterday.. then I told her that tonight was mine and Regs and Mercs movie night to make up for yesterday and she said again that I never hang out with her but I didn't cancel this time. Then I said sorry n she said how could she believe me when I talk bad behind her back about her when I don't.. but don't do anything bad to her please.. [ if someone did that shit to any of my friends i'd beat the shit out of said person who did that ]
@-romeo-pettigrew- I can't say I won't do anything , but go ahead { Check Rayne's mb :) }