
          hello, you're used to my paragraphs already so you know they'll be extra cheesy, cringy but full of genuine love. once again, i wanted to remind you how special you are to me and how much i love you because my love for you will never die, not even after i do.
          you've giving me memorable moments in these months and im so grateful for them. still can't believe that i got your heart as well. it seems so unreal, sometimes i start to fear that this is just a dream. and sometimes i feel like this is my own very fairytale that'll certainly have a happy ending. i wanted to thank you for all the smiles and happy tears you gave me, and i wish i did the same. i wish i am what you deserve and desire, i wish ill be able to offer you everything and anything you've dreamed of. i hope we'll have our own family in the future and that we'll grow old together, watching them grow up, going to school, meeting their first love... its such a long journey and im so ready for it! next to you, i feel like i can do anything. ill wait forever for you, as long as i need to.
          also, coughs, he's mine y'all. stop trying to get into his pants, he's mine to kiss and claim. he gives me all his clothes too so get away from him or ill rip your hair off. thank you! < dada thewie 3