After much too long a wait, Chapter 22, Beginnings, is complete and uploaded. I am sorry it took such a long time for me to get this chapter finished. A lot of different things conspired to make it a serious challenge to write. As I mentioned with my last upload, I moved in the middle of Feb 2020, right at the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. My family and I all made it through without anyone getting seriously ill during the worst of the outbreak, but the tension and anxiety made it difficult to write at all. My story also didn't feel as escapist as it used to, with the disruptions to society seeming to jump out at me from the words I'd written. That said, I did keep trying. And when I was able to write, I discovered that writing the ending of this story would have been much more difficult than any previous chapter, even if the move and the pandemic hadn't happened to compound the difficulties.
Again, I am sorry this story has languished without updates for so long, but I never forgot about it. For any of my watchers who still remember Broken Wings and are excited to see how the story ends, you have my sincere appreciation. I say this is the end of the story, but there is one more thing I plan to publish. I'm working on an epilogue to expound on a few threads that are left open at the end of this chapter. I won't make any promises about when that will be complete and ready to upload, but I'm already making significant progress on it, so I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be up by the end of this year.
Input and constructive criticism/feedback are welcome as always.